Friday, October 31, 2008

I Do Not Choose to Be a Common Christian

I Do Not Choose to Be a Common Christian

I do not choose to be a common Christian, simply talking the talk. God calls me to be uncommonly His, glorifying Him.
I seek to be obedient, not necessarily to be secure in terms of life on Earth. I do not wish to be a slave to people or possessions – self-centered and dulled by seeking only to have my own needs met and my own desires fulfilled. I want to take the leap of faith, to catch God’s vision, to build up the kingdom of God – to fail perhaps in the eyes of others, but to gain eternal life.
I refuse to barter God’s gifts for temporary satisfaction. I prefer to pursue joyously the “impossible” dreams of God rather than to have mere existence. I prefer the joyous thrill of divine fulfillment over the stale calm of the status quo. I will not trade freedom in Christ for approval of friends, nor trade compassion for pride.
It is my heritage to be a child of God who lives in the divine abundance of God’s grace. It is my heritage to enjoy the glories of God’s creation and the benefits of God’s mercies. It is my heritage to face the world boldly and say:
“The kingdom of God is at hand: I repent! I am letting God be my God, and I am letting Jesus Christ be my King!”

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